[I-WIN Startup Stories] Meet the duo Anagha and Diwakar as they assist UG students and early professionals in advancing their careers

With a novel promise of finding you your ‘Career Twin’ Careerboat (careerboat.io) is building a career-growth platform for undergraduate students and early professionals to help them with job placements, interview preparations, and even career transitions.

When co-founders Anagha Kulkarni and Diwakar Badiger came together, it was no surprise that they hit upon the idea of Careerboat – Diwakar had worked with more than 5 EdTech companies since his first year in Engineering, and Anagha had worked with more than 3 since hers. Careerboat, therefore came most organically to this young and dynamic duo.

The pandemic had hit students hard in 2020. Many of them had been on the cusp of change but life plans suddenly had to be re-looked at. Being students themselves, Diwakar and Anagha understood the pain points of other students. Even after enrolling for virtual courses and attending online Bootcamps, students felt confused, stuck and unable to decide what to do next. Many would lose motivation after receiving their certifications. 

That’s how Careerboat came into existence. The co-founders of Careerboat were quick to see that students’ demands were changing and they wanted to succeed and build career identities. However, they needed support to get through the difficult times. Careerboat was created to meet exactly these changing needs. With offerings as interesting as ‘mentor match making’ and curated learning resources, Careerboat ensures that its users have a clear career roadmap. Careerboat users have unlimited touch points with their mentors who guide them and even provide job referrals. Users can build their personal portfolios by connecting with the top 1% of mentors in their industry.

Not surprisingly, the lack of dependable mentorship was a challenge that the founders themselves faced in the beginning. The start-up ecosystem was not new, but being founders came with its own responsibilities. With their keen determination though, Diwakar and Anagha have scaled several milestones and received backing from as many as four different entities, including one from the Stanford Seed Spark Program.

We hope that Careerboat will achieve each goal they’ve set for themselves!

This is one of the sixteen stories to introduce you to the current cohort of start-ups being incubated under I-WIN, I-Venture @ ISB’s flagship program for women-founded and co-founded start-ups.

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